by iysanfrancisco | Apr 27, 2023
Online & In-Person | By donation $0, $5, $10, $15 With Saeeda Hafiz A simple vegetarian meal will be offered after this in-person Satsang with a suggested donation of $5-10.Satsang, a special time for us to come together as a community. In Sanskrit, Sat means...
by iysanfrancisco | Apr 27, 2023
Online & In-Person | By donation $0, $5, $10, $15 With Swami Asokananda & Swami Ramananda As hard as we may try to manage our lives with care and skill, we all inevitably encounter times when life is especially challenging, overwhelming, or unbearable. Our...
by iysanfrancisco | Dec 4, 2022
If we don’t have some clear sense of what we really want to do with our time and energy, we can easily be sidetracked by all the things calling for our attention. Please join us as we use guided reflection to create a personal vision for this lifetime and envision the...
by iysanfrancisco | Sep 28, 2022
How yoga practice and philosophy can support, prepare, and guide us for the death/transition of a loved one. Join Rev. Sadasiva Kurt Schroeder, IYM and a chaplain practicing in palliative care, for a discussion of our experiences with death/transition, the...
by iysanfrancisco | Sep 28, 2022
When things fall apart is the title of a book by Pema Chodron that reminds us of those moments when life seems impossible to manage. It might be our plans, our health or a car that falls apart, or it might be the loss of a home, a job or a loved one that sends us into...